Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dan's Job

Just wanted to let everyone know that Dan got laid off from HTI last week, he is pretty bummed but we are trying to look up. So if anyone knows of any mechanical engineering jobs let us know. Maybe we can move somewhere warm, I have really been hating this cold weather the past week!

Here goes nothing!

Ok so bare with me everyone while I figure out this blogging thing, I'm a little behind. I decided this might be a fun way to keep everyone posted. Devin is almost 8 months old and keeping us very busy. He is trying to figure out how to walk already!!!! We took him to the doctor's office yesterday for the cronic cold he has had and he now weighs 21 lbs!!! I can't believe how big he is. Here are some pics of Devin, the one is of him playing with the new toy Chad, Sandy, and Darren got him for Christmas. He wasn't so sure about it at first but now he really enjoys it.