Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trick or Treat?! Happy Halloween!!!

We had a great Halloween, Devin was a Tiger and Cullen was a Dragon. Cullen really didn't care much about it but Devin had a great time Trick or Treating, he didn't want to stop, he wanted to go get more Candy!!

We went Trick or Treating at some of the relatives houses, here is a pictures of the kids with their cousins at Aunt Roxie and Uncle John's house. Dawson was Spider man, Tanner was a Lion, and Savannah was Witch/Princess or something like that, sorry I can't remember but she was super cute!

Devin picked out a really big pumpkin for Cullen and I came up the great idea of carving it and putting him in it, the things parents do to their kids! It was really cute so I think it was worth it. He actually didn't seem to mind it at all, even though it was pretty cold inside the pumpkin.

Cullen did move around a little bit when we were trying to take his picture and he fell down into the pumpkin, the resulting pictures were even cuter than I thought they would be.

On the Friday before Halloween Devin's daycare had a Halloween party so I took the day off and went to spend sometime with Devin and help out. It was so much fun, I am really glad I took the time to go. They did a little bubble painting, for those of you like me that had not idea what this is, they put soapy water on the table and let the kids have fun with paint brushes, I thought this could be a great way to get your table cleaned!!

Here are the kids running around the gym in their costumes, they had so much fun and a never ending supply of energy, someday I will figure out how to bottle this!

They also got to carve a pumpkin and play with the pumpkin goo, of course most of the kids really didn't like it so mostly it ended up on the floor.

He is Devin and one of his friends from daycare, you bring the camera out an everyone wants their picture taken.

On Tuesday I take Cullen to an infant playgroup and everyone dressed up, it was really fun. At this age Halloween is more for the parents than the kids but that's ok, right?!

Cullen didn't mind his costume too much that night but of course on Halloween he hated it.

To start the Halloween week off right we made pumpkin cut-out cookies, we had a lot of fun, Devin went a little crazy with the sprinkles, who doesn't want a little cookie with their sprinkles!?

We may have a future baker on our hands, Devin did really well with rolling out the dough and pushing the cookie cutter in.

Apple Orchard

Grandma and Grandpa Kattestad came for a visit in October so we decided it was time for a trip to the Apple Orchard. Devin had a lot of fun playing on the tractor they had setup for little kids. The only problem was he didn't want to get off so other kids could play but that is pretty normal for a two year old.
Here's Grandma and Grandpa with the boys on the tractor, as you can see Devin is very excited about driving the tractor like a big boy!

They also had a fun slide setup for the kids, Devin thought it was pretty neat how it was on the hill.

There was a crate maze for kids to run through, Devin enjoyed this but he never ran too far ahead of Mommy just in case he got lost.

They also had animals that you could feed but Devin wanted nothing to do with them, I tried to get him to feed the a couple times but he wouldn't do it and then one of the animals decided to try to eat my plastic bag so that scared him even more, maybe next year he will try feeding them.

Cullen is 5 Months Old!!

Yes believe it or not Cullen is 5 months old already!! He has started eating some baby food, he has had oatmeal, bananas, applesauce, and squash. We just started the squash so we will see how that goes. I decided to try and make all the baby food myself this time around so we will see how that goes, so far so good!
Cullen has started to roll himself around the living room to get where he wants to go, so I am now wondering how long it will be before he decides to take a crack at crawling, watch out the days of only one mobile child are almost over.

Trying to get a nice picture of Devin and Cullen is not an easy task, once you get one to look at the camera and smile the other one looks away! Oh well the pictures are still cute and its kind of funny to see how they turn out.

Here's Cullen taking a little break out on our front porch, he didn't seem too impressed with us posing him in Devin's chair but we thought it was really cute!

Mohawk October

So Dan and Devin decided that October should be mohawk month and against my better judgement I decided to let them do it. It actually turned out really cute and everywhere we went people were telling us how much they loved it. Devin thought it was the coolest thing in the world and he made sure to let me know every morning that I needed to put his mohawk up.

Is he a ham or what?!

Picking Our Pumpkins!

We went to the Buttenhoff's to get pumpkins for Devin and Cullen. We also helped clean the pumpkins to get them ready to go to the stores to be sold. Devin had a lot of fun and so did we, Daddy can home soaked head to toe from spraying the pumpkins with a hose!

Here's Devin with a load of pumpkins we helped get ready, and not he didn't help pick them all, maybe in a few years!

Here's Devin and Dorothy cutting Cullen's pumpkin, Devin picked one of the biggest pumpkins in the patch for Cullen and picked a small one for himself, it was really cute. We had a lot of fun, Thank you Buttenhoffs for letting us help!!