Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Teagan 3 Months Old

Teagan is now 3 months old and weighing it at 13 lbs. She is getting so big and changing everyday, she is now smiling and trying to talk to us. She really likes to babble once her brothers have gone to bed, when she has mommy and daddy's full attention!

She also loves to sit up, I imagine it won't be long before she is sitting on her own.

Teagan's Baptism

Teagan was baptised on Sunday September 16th at Hope Lutheran Church in Eau Claire, WI. Her Sponsors are Chad and Sandy Oldham.

The Church put a stone with Teagan's name on it in the baptismal bowl along with other children that have been baptised this year.
It was a beautiful day that God blessed us with for our little girl, we couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Here are some more pictures for you to enjoy.

Teagan with her Sponsors

                                                                   Our Family

All of our munchkins with their sponsors, our children are very blessed to have such amazing people in their lives and in return we are all blessed to have them in our lives as well. Thank you God for all of your amazing blessings!!!!!

Update - Sorry it's Been Awhile!! Life Happens!

Well it looks like three kids really do keep you from getting things like a blog post done once in a while, I will attempt to do better and hopefully get one done a month! It has been a crazy year, we have added a beautiful baby girl - Teagan Muldoon Goshaw - to our family!!

Born June 11, 2012  6lbs 12oz

Also we bought a house and moved to Maple Grove, MN in January. We are really enjoying our new house and our neighbors are great, they all love our kids which is great because they are running over to their houses every chance they get.
Devin has started preschool three mornings a week at Elm Creek Elementary and he just loves it.

Four is proving to be a very interesting and challenging age but we tell ourselves everyday that this to shall pass. Overall he is a very good kid, if we could just get his brother and him to get along we would be doing great! Someday we know they will be the best of friends but for now they just want to steal each others toys and wrestle :)

Cullen is a very busy boy and now that he can talk, each day his vocabulary is growing, and unless he is sleeping he is talking!! Or should be say yelling, he is our little screamer, he makes Devin's 2s seem like they were a breeze! But none the less we try to enjoy every minute with them.

We have had a very busy summer with lots of trips back to Wisconsin to visit family. Now that the school year is in full swing we are trying to get a routine down. We walk Devin to school three days a week unless it's raining, I haven't decided if we will try to walk in the winter, it may be a little too cold for Teagan... and me! I am enjoying my time at home now that I am a stay at home mom and I think the kids are enjoying it as well.