Sunday, June 7, 2009

One Year Pictures

A few weekends ago we had Devin's one year pictures taken by Kelly's friend Gabrielle, we went down to Carson Park. I hope you enjoy the pictures, if you want copies let me know.

We also had Gabrielle take a family picture, Sam was at Grandpa and Grandma's so he didn't get to be in the picture. Don't you just love what the wind does with your hair in pictures!

One Year Old!!!!!!!

Devin is officially 1 year old!!!! I can't believe how fast the time went, it feels like just yesterday he came into our lives. It is hard to remember what life was like without him, well besides for we got a lot more sleep but hey sleep is over rated. Here is Devin with his Caterpillar Birthday cake, I tired to be creative but I couldn't come up with any other ideas so I got a little help from the Hungry Caterpillar book.

Devin is always trying to be a big boy, here is Grandpa helping him so he doesn't get any bumps or bruises. On Devin's Birthday he slipped and fell at daycare giving himself his first black eye, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Devin and Dawson just loved the parties hats Kelly and I picked out for them. Devin actually enjoyed trying to eat his more that wear it. They we also very excited by all the people that came to celebrate with them. Dawson turned 3 the day after their parties.
Thank you everyone for the gifts, Devin just loves them all, our house is being over taken by Devin and all of his toys. The funny part is Devin plays with Mommy's Tupperware more than anything and a wooden spoon from time to time. Oh well what can you do!

Here is Devin playing on his new turtle, his legs are just a little to short to actually push himself but every once in awhile he does get a push in backwards.

As you can see he spends more time walking the turtle around but as long as he is having fun that is the important thing. Next year maybe we will be able to try a bike, yikes that is scary!

Grandma and Grandpa Kattestad have a car for Devin, he just loves to go for rides, if we go outside at all the first place he goes is to the car. We go for lots of rides around the block and down to the park.

Devin's first trip to the park was interesting, he didn't like the sand, when we put him down he refused to walk, he just stood there and then started crying for someone to pick him up. Devin enjoyed swinging with Mommy but he wasn't a big fan of the baby swings that they have. However he did get a swing from Great-Grandma Muldoon for his Birthday and he loves it! We go outside almost every night now and swing, if he is really cranky the swing cheers him up right away.

Devin and Mommy went on a few slides but it was harder than I thought for me to get down the tube slide.

Devin and Daddy had an easier time on the open slide but I still think it would have helped if the slide was a little steeper.

Now that the weather is nice, when we go to Eau Claire we spend a lot of time in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard, Devin loves all the toys they have.

Devin took the John Deere out for a spin, he was actually able to move it a little on his own.

Here are Tanner and Savanah with Grandpa and Uncle John, they are getting so big, they are now 3 months old.

Devin likes to tell a lot of stories and Great-Grandpa Goshaw really enjoys hearing them, I can't wait to see what stories he starts telling when we can finally understand him.

As a typical guy Devin is always looking for the closest remote, the only problem is he likes to carry it around so no one else can use it.