Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Apple Orchard

Grandma and Grandpa Kattestad came for a visit in October so we decided it was time for a trip to the Apple Orchard. Devin had a lot of fun playing on the tractor they had setup for little kids. The only problem was he didn't want to get off so other kids could play but that is pretty normal for a two year old.
Here's Grandma and Grandpa with the boys on the tractor, as you can see Devin is very excited about driving the tractor like a big boy!

They also had a fun slide setup for the kids, Devin thought it was pretty neat how it was on the hill.

There was a crate maze for kids to run through, Devin enjoyed this but he never ran too far ahead of Mommy just in case he got lost.

They also had animals that you could feed but Devin wanted nothing to do with them, I tried to get him to feed the a couple times but he wouldn't do it and then one of the animals decided to try to eat my plastic bag so that scared him even more, maybe next year he will try feeding them.

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