Sunday, May 2, 2010

Easter at the Kattestad's

Here is our Easter family picture, we try to get a picture at every holiday but sometime we forget.
Devin just loves the car at Grandma and Grandpa's house, as you can see it was difficult to keep him on the task of finding Easter eggs with the car sitting right there.

All the kids got a big thing of bubbles to share when they are at Grandma and Grandpa's of course they loved it but I think Devin may still be a little young for the concept of blowing bubbles.
As you can see all the kids had a great time looking in their Easter baskets and stealing things from each other, why is it that what someone else got is always better than what you have? As you can see Devin was trying to help Savanah or maybe steal her candy, not sure which one.

Here are some pictures of Devin hunting for Easter eggs, he did a really good job and he had a lot of fun!!! I think this is going to be a new tradition for the kids.

Here is the only time Devin is allowed to walk in Grandma's garden.

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