Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What has Devin been up to?

We have had a very busy July, we went to Eau Claire every weekend. Uncle Steve, Aunt Toni, and cousins Austin, Josh, and Sophi came to Grandma and Grandpa's for a visit.
Here are Devin and Sophi waiting for their supper to be ready. Devin really enjoys eating like a big boy, but sometimes he has trouble sitting still.

Here is Devin waiting like a big boy, I can't believe how much he has changed.

The big kids got in a few games themselves when the little kids weren't walking in the middle of the game. It was a lot of fun to see everyone, hopefully we will see them again soon.

The kids did some swimming in the whale pool grandma and grandpa bought for them. They had a ton of fun, Sophi even washed her daddy's shoes in the pool!! For some reason Devin seemed to prefer being outside the pool, I think the water was a little cool.

The 4th of July was very busy, we went to Shawn and Heidi Oldham's in the Cities for a 4th of July party. We had a lot of fun and Devin enjoyed getting to play with Darren. Sunday Daddy went sailing and Mommy and Devin went to the parade in August.

Devin sat on the curb like a big boy, he thought he was so cool. It was a little scary for mommy because I am not ready for him to be that big already.

Devin also had to walk in the road like the other big kids. I tried to get him to sit on the curb but it was a lost cause after awhile. We even showed Devin how to go out and get the candy they were throwing, but Mommy didn't let him eat any of it, Dawson got it.

Here is another picture of Devin at the parade, he did really well considering how long the parade is and how hot it was. We had to put on a lot of sunscreen and Devin was still a little pink.

Here are the boys (Dawson, Devin, and neighbor David) sitting in the driveway at Grandma and Grandpa's watching the fireworks. Devin just loved them, we had to buckle him into the little car so that he wouldn't run after the fireworks. He was clapping and laughing, it was great, it is amazing to see things from a child's perspective.

Here is Devin and Dawson watching Grandpa's fireworks, Grandpa did some special for Devin because it was only July 3rd but we weren't going to be there for the 4th, Thank You Grandpa!!!
Stay tuned to future blogs, we are going to be moving in August to Buffalo, MN so that Dan and I are closer to our jobs. Yes, for those of you that didn't know Dan does have a job, he has a 6 month contract at Medtronic in Brooklyn Park, MN.
Devin will be going to a new daycare, Kid's Haven, they teach the children sign language, so far we have taught Devin how to sign "more" and he already knows how to do it and what it means, it is great!! Happy Summer everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics!!! He is growing sooooo fast!!!
