Monday, August 3, 2009

A Future Drummer?!

Well not a whole lot happened this week but there are a few noteworthy things. First off I think we may have a future drummer on our hands. Aunt Tennille and Uncle Dave got Devin a Bee Bop Band and of course the drum sticks are his favorite.

Here is a video of Devin practicing his drums, sorry the video isn't great but every time I started recording he stopped doing it.

Devin's other first this past weekend was eating corn ON the cob! He tried eating some off Daddy's and then he wanted his own. He did a really great job, by the time he was done eating he had eaten 1 1/2 cobs of corn.

Here is a video of Devin eating his corn on the cob, Dan thought everyone needed to see this, it is really cute, enjoy!

Devin has also been doing some artwork at daycare so I thought I would take a few pictures so you can see what he has been up to all day. I think he may have a calling in the art world if the music doesn't work out for him.

This is the dolphin he painted during animal week, I was very impressed.

Ok so you have to look really closely but there are a few color crayon scribbles on here, hey he's only 14 months old what do you expect!

Here are a few pictures of Daddy and Devin helping me clean over the weekend. If the vacuum is on whoever is running it has to be holding Devin because he loves to vacuum. As you can see he is a snuggler, but man does he get heavy after awhile.

We hope everyone is having a great summer, even if it has been a little on the cool side.

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